April 23, 2015

Tutorial, part 2 - Collar Assembly

For the STANDARD COLLAR option, fold the collar (piece G) in half, wrong sides together and bottom edges flush, and press. Baste or sew collar assembly closed ¼" from the open edges (bottom and center back). 

For the HERO COLLAR option, place the collar (piece D) and collar facing (piece E) right sides together, with top edges flush (the collar piece will be slightly taller than the collar facing).

NOTE: We have included two "hero collar" options for the VOY undershirt. Option 1 is a basic rectangular construction, while option 2 is a gently rounded collar that will hug the neckline more tightly. The construction process is the same for both.

Sew collar to collar facing. 

Open collar assembly and press seam allowances toward the collar facing. 

Understitch the seam allowances to the collar facing 16"or ⅛" from the seam line.

Fold the collar assembly in half so bottom edges are flush. The collar/collar facing seam line should be slightly inside the collar, not flush with the top. 

Baste or sew the collar closed ¼" from open edges (bottom and center back).

Press collar assembly, but be careful not to overpress the top of the collar where the seam allowance is.

PREVIOUS: Tutorial, part 1 - Pattern Pieces

NEXT: Tutorial, part 3 - Front to Back

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