April 22, 2015

Misc. Observations, part 2 (Hero Collars, part 2)

Also worth mention is that in those later years there began a trend to reduce the hero collar/collar facing seam allowance to a mere ⅛" or so. 

Prior to this trend, the collar/collar facing seam allowance seemed to hover in the ⅜" range.

DS9, 4x22 "For the Cause"
DS9, 3x10 "Fascination"
DS9, 4x15 "Sons of Mogh"
DS9, 5x5 "The Assignment"
VOY, 3x10 "Warlord"
VOY, 4x20 "Vis-a-vis"
VOY, 3x26 "Scorpion (part 1)"
VOY, 1x1 "Caretaker"

Generally speaking, overall, this was gradually reduced to the ¼" range over the course of the following year (Deep Space Nine seasons 4-5 and Voyager seasons 2-3, 1995-1996):

DS9, 4x18
"Rules of Engagement"

DS9, 4x4
"Hippocratic Oath"

DS9, 5x3
"Looking for par'Mach
in all the Wrong Places"
VOY, 2x24 "Tuvix"
VOY, 2x19 "Lifesigns"
VOY, 5x9 "Thirty Days"

A while later, starting around Voyager's early fifth season (late 1998), the trend of reducing the collar/collar facing seam allowances continued even further by clipping them to a teeny ⅛":

VOY, 5x7 "Infinite Regress"
VOY, 6x14 "Memorial"
VOY, 5x4 "In the Flesh"

This also included supporting characters' undershirts: 

VOY, 6x1 "Equinox (part 2)"
VOY, 6x20 "Good Shepherd"

On a related note, you may recall that Deep Space Nine had upgraded to the DS9/NEM uniforms introduced in First Contact back in the middle of its fifth season and Voyager's third season (late 1996).

DS9, 7x25 "What You Leave Behind"
Although Deep Space Nine had generally maintained a ⅜" hero collar seam allowance (as did Data's division shirt in Nemesis, which we more or less set the ideal standard by which to follow), the clipping of hero collar seam allowances to ⅛" was at least experimented with near the end of its final season, as evidenced on Dr. Bashir's division shirt in Deep Space Nine's finale, "What You Leave Behind" (mid 1999):

This does make a certain amount sense considering that Deep Space Nine's seventh season and Voyager's fifth season aired more or less simultaneously, and the trend to clip the VOY undershirt collar/collar facing seam allowances to ⅛" would have begun that production year (late 1998). 

Even though the uniforms and construction/aesthetic standards were different on the two shows, it's natural to infer a certain amount of back-and-forth and overlap regarding trends and other new costume directions; previous examples included the Sisko's DS9/NEM "captain ensemble" and Janeway's VOY commando-style (pants + tank top) uniforms being introduced in their respective shows almost immediately after TNG's First Contact was released (during which Picard exhibited the various layers of the new Starfleet uniforms), as well as the trend of the VOY jumpsuit sciences yoke transitioning from the TNG-ish teal to the DS9/NEM-ish green despite being an independent element on the other side of the galaxy and its crew still wearing the older uniforms.

PREVIOUS: Misc. Observations, part 1 (Hero Collars, part 1)

NEXT: Misc. Observations, part 3 (Hero Collars, part 3)

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